Business confidence: a positive way for SMBs to navigate challenging times
By Industry Contributor 14 April 2022Viresh Harduth, Vice President, Small Business, Sage Africa & Middle East speaks to the ups and downs of business confidence and where SMBs are presently. FULL STORY >

Are SMBs in South Africa being left behind?
By Staff Writer 1 April 2022According to a small and medium business study, 81% of South African SMBs expect a partial return to pre-pandemic profitability within 12 months, and 56% expect to hire more people in 2022. FULL STORY >

The SMBs guide: 7 steps to be a successful Digital Challenger
By Industry Contributor 14 October 2020Cisco's Garsen Naidu has offered seven essential steps for Small and Medium businesses to manage their technological requirements amid a challenging time. FULL STORY >

Industry Insight - Securing small and medium businesses as cyber-attacks surge
By Industry Contributor 29 June 2020At a time when many medium businesses are looking to curb expenditure and baton down the hatches for an impending economic shock, one area that cannot afford to be skimped on is security. Sabine Dedering, Regional... FULL STORY >

President’s small business focus in SONA2017 is welcome
By Press Release 10 February 2017President Jacob Zuma's State of the Nation Address for 2017 has wisely put Small & Medium Businesses at the centre of the country's economic growth strategy for the next few years. FULL STORY >

#SONA2017: Here is why small businesses should care about the SONA
By Press Release 6 February 2017President Jacob Zuma will set the political and economic pace for 2017 when he presents his annual State of the Nation Address (SONA) this week. He and his cabinet have their work cut out this year as they focus on reigniting... FULL STORY >

Dell caters to midmarket SMBs with its PowerEdge VRTX
By Ryan Noik 28 June 2013Dell has taken aim at addressing the IT woes of midmarket small and medium businesses, launching its new converged PowerEdge VRTX into the local market. FULL STORY >

Prepare for the Near Field revolution
By Ryan Noik 28 August 2012Near Field Communication brings with it a myriad of opportunities for small and medium businesses. FULL STORY >
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